
the epilogue to moving day is posted!! thank you, seriously, to everyone who has read and waited and been on this journey with me. i couldn't have done it without you. much love xo


@ bluejayast   Yes your work is great so of course I'm gonna support!! I knew you'd do good on this one too! And I'm looking forward to read any new story you have in mind!!


@hee_lium ah yes, one of my ao3 readers, that site gives this book a little bit of a dif experience since i posted it in a bigger block of text and im glad you got to read it on there vs maybe the experience the book gives here on wp. thank you for enjoying my work <33


@Talentedhyunjin you've stuck w me since the early days and im happy that ive managed to write another work that you've enjoyed -- thank you for all your support !!


          recently i've finished reading your work 'Moving day' on ao3, and honestly, i think it's one of the best works i've read??
          i really enjoyed it, thank you for your hard work!! 
          i wanted to ask, if it's okay for me to translate your work to a different language (Russian, to be specific) and post it on a Russian website for fanfiction (it's called 'ficbook') with credits and links both to wattpad and ao3
          thank you for your answer <3


I recently finished one of your book — "wine drunk | Heeseung x Jay ". Should I tell you that your writing made me feel some type of way and I almost fell in love with your writing. You're a really amazing writer. That book was awesome and Oh! How I would absolutely pay to erase my memory to read that book again. Specially the fifth chapter. That chapter has my heart. Keep Blooming the way you are coz from now on I aspire to see you grow❤️✨.


the epilogue to moving day is posted!! thank you, seriously, to everyone who has read and waited and been on this journey with me. i couldn't have done it without you. much love xo


@ bluejayast   Yes your work is great so of course I'm gonna support!! I knew you'd do good on this one too! And I'm looking forward to read any new story you have in mind!!


@hee_lium ah yes, one of my ao3 readers, that site gives this book a little bit of a dif experience since i posted it in a bigger block of text and im glad you got to read it on there vs maybe the experience the book gives here on wp. thank you for enjoying my work <33


@Talentedhyunjin you've stuck w me since the early days and im happy that ive managed to write another work that you've enjoyed -- thank you for all your support !!


hi author nim, i just wanna say i finished wine drunk and it's literally the best story i've ever read in a while :))) lots of love to you<333


@swotato_corn omg im terrible at checking my message bord and i mustve missed this. thank you sm for reading and lots of love in return xoxo


Hello! Good morning/Good evening! I just came to stop by and say, I loved your work 'Wine drunk.' Hands down one of the best works I've ever read! I just can't explain how much I love it, but it's gorgeous, and was a roller coaster of emotions even though I've only read it for about an hour and a half. It's a lovely piece of art, and I'm so glad I found, and read it! ♡


heyo, that's so kind of you! thank you for reading :)


hi! i dont mean to push but are you going to update phobias anytime soon? im sorry i just love that book sjsjeje if youre not ready thats okay!!


@bluejayast aww it's okay!! i loved that book but i get not having motivation anymore. best of luck in your future works!


hey! no worries, it's not pushing. soo i don't think i will, speaking of which i might list it as discontinued. i put it on hold in the hopes that the time i took off from it might make me enthusiastic to write for it again but at this point i think my writing style is too different to change it so i'm sorry :(( but i hope that the other stories i've wrote will help supplement that loss <3