please read my new story thing!!!! VERY important!

continue it...

Hey guys, mind checking my new story thing? Gonna delete it soon.

Guys....something happened to my story ?? Im devastated..

From what I can tell, many people are enjoying my story lately(not to be rude heh), I was wondering(If no one responds to this its okay, you don't have to, just something to consider) if my older chapters are better than the newer ones. I feel like they're all kinda the same, they all could be better, but its kinda hard writing these chapters. The second it gets intense, I'm feeling squeamish, wanting to experience these scenarios myself. I'll do my best to add more detail along the way, make things feel more realistic and desirable. Another question....would people want to read like....holiday sex scenes too? Like, Christmas sex....under the tree, parents away, candy canes.....that kinda deal? Obviously there would be a lot more detail heh. There isn't really a way to do Thanksgiving unless it was....NEVER MIND....what about sex in the leaves that had fallen off the trees and into your yard? Feeling the cold air and cold leaves hit your skin, beautiful sky to gaze upon while your pussy is being treated so delicately? I think yes.....imma get on that heehee. Last question, for now at least(if you've come this far, I love you)...should I have personal social medias in this too....*on this too? Like....should i post my Instagram and Snapchat for you guys to follow/add. If we've talked before, I'd definitely, add and follow back.....probably everyone who wants them i guess. If we add one anthers snap, WE ARE STARTING A STREAK.....so be prepared for that. I would create a separate story where I post...letting people know to read the new story and such...I guess it's an easier thing heh. Or we could snap and become frands, whatever works heeehh This is all very random aha, but I'm bored and thought about posting some things on my mind. Sooooo idk, if you have answers to ANY of these, or all of these.....private message me or comment below...I'll be checking and such...heeheee this is weird but i wanted to delete the chapter but keep it posted here for u 2 look back on

Okiii, so i just posted then deleted a chapter with the title "THANK YOU". It was me just saying thank you to everyone who reads my story and such. It's crazy to me knowing that just one week ago, my story hit 10k reads, and now its at 15k.....my mouth has dropped open, and has been hung open for like centuries. But honestly, thank YOU for reading and giving me feedback, it only helps me become better at what I do. I...I'm at a loss for words, I can't believe what this story has become. I never thought this story would get so many reads, I always kinda thought...the people who read it, read it because there was nothing else to do. And that still may be true, but it appears to me, some people actually pay attention to see when my next chapter will be posted. Thats....insane to me....it never crossed my mind heh. And to be extremely selfish, I was writing this story for me, completely me. Im highly sex driven and have some "intense" fantasies....so I created this book to remember them......not for others to read. Soon I realized people were actually reading it, so I continued writing chapters. Then it got to a point where i was receiving suggestions from people....asking me to..create their sexual vision. I'm.....I just can't believe this story is so....appreciated. As I've said a thousand times, but still NOT enough, thank you guys for reading the story and being interested in it. I owe every single human a thanks for being so amazing. I LOVE YOU GUUUUUYYYSSSS- Zoe hehhh bai....more chapters laterrrrr. AND I WON'T FALL ASLEEP, I'LL ACTUALLY WRITE THEEEEEEEEEEM

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I don't know what this message board is, or what it does, but hi. I'm logged in on my computer aha, I randomly saw this and decided to post something. While writing my newest chapter, I decided to continue and ended up writing multiple chapters of it. Hope you guys enjoy it:) And while I'm here, I might as well thank you guys and many others who read my story, it honestly makes me so joyous to see so many......sex driven people enjoying this as much as I enjoy writing the chapters. Thank you guys for all that you do; commenting, pm-ing me(I ALWAYS respond), liking them, and just simply reading each chapter. I love you guys, infinite thank you to everyone:) OHHHHHHHH..... can't forget, if you guys have any suggestions let me know, I consider all of them and even write some, I'd love to hear some new thoughts. I can give you credit for it too, or I could leave your name out of the picture, whatever you'd prefer. This is a long fucking message but idk, I wanted to say something:) bai for noooooow lol