Hello I know it is super late but I've been thinking about this a lot... I've decided to write something (FINALLY!!! Haha). As you might have noticed I haven't actually written anything apart from the cover and blah blah. HOWEVER, I have been thinking extremely hard on how to start (please send in messages to my inbox if you have ideas) so I can please you all (as I always say: it is only as good as its beginning ) and hopefully meet up to at least half of your standards . WHEN I DO RELEASE (probably sometime in the next few 100 years ) my first part, I would really appreciate it if you could just read it and give me your opinions
From the Title (Fallen Angels) and category, you may tell it is to do with stuff like hell and definitely the seven sins which is right. I don't know an awful lot about mythology and history about stuff like this which might make you wonder why I'm writing something like this instead of something else. Well tbh don't even ask, I just think it'll be fun. As I'm not intellectually educated on this topic, everything (stuff like the demons, seven sins, angels, heaven thinhs) I say in this book will likely be made up by me if you have not heard of them in mythology like or whatnot. So everything in this book is made up basically.