I am currently in Tokyo and we decided to explore the city tonight. We walked into what looked like an anime shop and as we were walking down an isle, mum stops and picks up this wierd, long, round thing. She asked, “what is this?”
My sister replied with, “a drink bottle?”
Mum turns around the object to see the words: ‘adult pleasure’
We all know EXACTLY what it was.
Same store, my stepdad walks us down an isle with wigs and cosplay outfits for samurais and ninjas, all that stuff. I turn around and there’s a cosplay for a sexy maid cat girl. We went to leave after that.
As we were leaving, I did the dreaded thing. Looking up. Hanging from the cieling are nude coloured, circular pillows, all in pairs. Strapped to them, were bras. Yep, never going back there again.
Different store, I got stuck in between the doors of an elevator.