
I didn’t fall off the face of the Earth, but I’m sure that some of you have given up on me ever finishing Hannah’s Story.  I have to reread the book to make the new addition consistent with what I already wrote, but I will be trying my best to get a new chapter out within the next week.  


@bluriver hello, how are you, are you going to complete the book (The mistake we make) pls do continue to write it thanks 


I didn’t fall off the face of the Earth, but I’m sure that some of you have given up on me ever finishing Hannah’s Story.  I have to reread the book to make the new addition consistent with what I already wrote, but I will be trying my best to get a new chapter out within the next week.  


@bluriver hello, how are you, are you going to complete the book (The mistake we make) pls do continue to write it thanks 


Happy New Year!!  The next chapter of Hannah's Story will be out this weekend.  I have most of it written.  In the meantime, check out my extra chapter in Hannah's Story:  Between the Lines.  It's nothing surprising, but it's a fun little read.


Thanks for checking.  I’m sorry I’m so horrible with updates.  I am leaving for vacation today, and there will be unpredictable service where I’m going (camping).  I should be home in a week.  I have the next chapter almost complete, so I’ll try to post it then.  Hope you’re doing well!  Thanks again for reaching out.  


@bluriver hey I am just checking in on you, its July and we haven't had any updates. 


I've been playing around with writing behind the scenes one shots for Hannah's Story.  I really don't want them to be part of the main book, but the only readers who will really be interested in them will be those reading Hannah's Story.  I might just create a side collection of those snippets, with warnings of when to read them.  They are either a little smutty or involve character viewpoints not included in the main story.  Since I want to limit my POVs in the story and am trying to keep the smut to a minimum, I figured this might be the way to do it.  I also don't want to write entire books about the people in the one shots, but want to shed insight into certain events.  Would any of my readers be interested?  
          Examples:  Jesse's dream in more detail, something from prom night that I can't yet say, maybe even a scene involving Gabe and what happens when Hannah is on vacation.  


@bluriver defintely interested...could u pls update the new chapter soon waiting eagerly