
so guess whos back but no finna update yet :')


just a little notification, "child of darkness" will be edited heavily, meaning any grammar errors will be correct. hopefully, i'll be able to get back on track with "a hidden kindness" someday in the future. i apologize to those who still bother to read my shitty books :^)
          — claudia


for those who do read "a hidden kindness", im sorry for not updating in almost thousands of centuries, but we all have our reasons :') anyway, after reading (or skimming through) the story, ive realized that it is written pretty shitty lmfao. so, i plan on editing it, but NOT changing anything written; just editing to the point where i dont inwardly cringe. i really hope no one minds what i plan on doing, and hopefully i am able to post the next chapter soon :)
          — claudia


Hey guys so as you all know I'm working on a new project called 'Child Of Darkness' and I would really appreciate if you would check it out :D I'm taking a 'short' break from 'A Hidden Kindness' but I promise I'll have the next chapter up by the end of the month :) school sucks and I blame it for making me be some stressed -.- love you guys xoxo