
@EVILsista_09 I love you 


You are amazing, and I really hope you know that. Literally everything you say is exactly what goes on in my head, and its is so incredibly moving to see it down in writing. So moving in fact, that I cried while reading - and I only cry when it really matters. I really really wish that everyone was like you. Your piece of writing did as much for me, even more, in fact, than the amazing 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' did. Thank you.


There are no words good enough to express the emotion I feel after reading Dear Charlie. Honest to God, it felt like you were describing me, and I related to it. It made me cry actual Jesus tears and I just want to say I love you so much and I'm not even lying to you when I say that. You inspired me and made me believe that there are people like me. I just want to say thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 


Hey. Ive noticed you've written a story based on letters like Charlie did from the Perks of Being A Wallflower. :) i just watched the movie today and am looking forward to the book (my favorite movie now). However, back to you, i admire your courage for making this! ^.^ i want to do the same, but maybe when i have time. For now, i will be reading your story :) im glad you made this, but i have read he first couple of entries. I feel like i have a lot of relating to do with you cx thanks~ Carebear <3


I admire your ability to create a piece that can actually effect people, effect them to do something. I am so glad to have a story like yours to read it makes me question what I say and what I do. Of course we all have our imperfect moments, but those are the best ones. They show that we are human.