
i badly want to make a werewolf applyfic


@blythering that would so eat i love werewolves 


i badly want to make a werewolf applyfic


@blythering that would so eat i love werewolves 


also while researching for aforementioned applyfic i found a pirate job called powder monkey. they were little kids, usually boys, who were kidnapped onto ships to assist gun crews and usually didn't survive to adulthood. 
          riot, you filthy dogs, you did it again.


it's the way that i have alternate universe twists for SOK


@blythering I miss youuuuuuuuuuu school is the devil tho so I understand how college is <3 <3


@ceaseless-watchr // OMG NO NOT AT ALL <333 i've also been gone bc college so ur totally fine <333 i do miss u tho mags !!


@blythering I just read all this and I feel like a bad friend bc I feel like I have missed A LOT. I’m sorry kpop stole my soul 


I just got into Epic: The musical and you are the Penelope to my Odysseus 
          I would brave monsters and gods just for a glimpse of you. 


@hobgoblinne // wait the way i JUST saw this what
            you're literally the best compliment giver i've ever seen like okay talented okay stunning


(FYI im not boring I swear I just got so shy in DMs and I literally couldn’t bring up anything to send you because im so nervous about talking to you and it’s the exact opposite of my usual brash and loud jesting personality because making friends is my Achilles heel and im a diehard perfectionist who cares a tad bit too much )


!! kinda important !!
          so, as you probably can see, wattpad is getting a little dead on here. i think this is a good sign: it means people are recovering from the pandemic and finally enjoying real life. (or it means you're really busy and for that i'm so sorry.) 
          i know i haven't been as active as usual, and i keep telling myself i will once summer starts, but i have an equally busy summer. yes, my activity will probably go up, but that will mostly be on stories and other behind the scenes things that you won't even see. so i think, ultimately, my wattpad era is coming to a close. 
          and by that i mean, i'm not going to be updating as much, i won't be applying to any more afs (unless like i really want to) and i won't be engaging as much with stories. 
          the main reason i'm posting this is to let people who's af's i've applied to know: you can totally get rid of my characters. k/ll 'em, ship them off to boarding school, send them away to take care of their great aunt josephine. i don't take it personally at all: i know how dreary it can be to write for a character, much less a character who's creator isn't even around. 
          for my applyfics (especially sinners of ketterdam) i'll try to keep working on them. i can't make any promises, since once college rolls around i will be busy busy busy, but it's still a story very dear to my heart and i won't quit on it. 
          all in all, i'll still pop on every now and then, i'm just making my silence official and visible. 
          love you guys very much, this is such a dear app to me, and you're all great friends to have made!!


@hobgoblinne // i love you forever <3


@SisterOfCirce // JUNO STOP T-T i made a brief return and UGH YOU'RE SUCH AN ANGEL STOP. i'm so thankful for you and your amazing characters and attitude and kindness. I miss you a billion you sweetie


I can’t believe I missed this im so mad at myself OML ILL MISS YOUUUUUUU. Honestly you’re one of the best people I’ve ever met and im so freaking proud of you girly. Ngl I’ll miss you so freaking much it’s not even funny (T0T) you’re the fiercest cinnamon roll ever and I’ll forever cherish you. Don’t forget to hit me up whenever you feel like it (through Pinterest {@latinlulls} or something because I just remembered wattpad absolutely murdered pms smh). I love love loveeeeeeeee and adore you to the freaking moon and back and as busy as I am, I’ll always make time for you if you ever decide you wanna wreck havoc with yours truly. Aaah I’m too choked up to know what else to sayyyy. Love you to the ever expanding edges of the universe and back. Mwah! 