
          	so im planning on dropping a teaser chapter for koko's follow on story pretty soon. so keep your eyes out. on the haikyuu front, i keep getting writers block and it's annoying me cos i really like writing. 
          	so yeah, thanks as always for reading and giving love to my books. love you all. 
          	all my love
          	- el x


@bnha-kny-jjk Hi, I  was wondering if you'll post more chapters on Isabelle's story on Spy x Family. Her's and  Koko's stories are my favorites. I really want to read more about Isabelle and Yuri spending more time together.


Hello, I'd like to say, I really enjoyed reading your KnY x OC story and look forward to the next installment of it.
          Actually, you and a few other authors inspired me to start writing my own KnY x OC story myself.
          It's starting off really slow but I was wondering if you could give it a look.
          I'm not as skilled at writing as you or the other authors, however I appreciate it if I got some nitpicks and see what I can do to improve.
          While I like writing my story for fun and hope people can enjoy reading it.
          Thank you for your time.


          so im planning on dropping a teaser chapter for koko's follow on story pretty soon. so keep your eyes out. on the haikyuu front, i keep getting writers block and it's annoying me cos i really like writing. 
          so yeah, thanks as always for reading and giving love to my books. love you all. 
          all my love
          - el x


@bnha-kny-jjk Hi, I  was wondering if you'll post more chapters on Isabelle's story on Spy x Family. Her's and  Koko's stories are my favorites. I really want to read more about Isabelle and Yuri spending more time together.


Hey author, I was wondering if you could make a hunter x hunter of and make a book? I love reading your of books!! And will you be making a jjk season 3 book? 


@Offline_Pixel hi, so i started hunter x hunter ages ago but dropped it because i was having a personal problem at that time but i remember liking it so i will start it up again soon. and for any of the OC books i already have, ill keep writing them until the anime and manga end (i might even write some follow on stories for some of them)


          so someone has translated my attack on titan season 1 story into french. they did previously ask me if they could, however, i did not give them permission. 
          please don't copy my work or translate it without permission. im sorry to get serious but i take my writing very seriously. 
          many thanks,
          - el x


@bnha-kny-jjk And what about Windbreaker 


Like we say in french: t'as pas de chance mon reuf


@ThagiSe i have yes its on my list


hey guys. 
          im having a massive brain block at the moment. there's a lot going on in my personal life that's not letting me be creative, like... at all. so im trying to get out of it. my brain has so many ideas but i just can't seem to write them out and it's killing me. im writing chapters slowly piece by piece. 
          my brain has got loads of different ideas for my MHA OC Koko's follow on story, so that's kind of helping me get out of it. in other news, it's my birthday today. officially 23 years old. mad. 
          hope you're all doing well and looking after yourselves. ill be back soon!
          - el x


@bnha-kny-jjk im late but happy birthday!! 
            and please take care of yourself and dont overwork yourself!! <3


I’m glad :) take care!


@bnha-kny-jjk Try not to put pressure on yourself and happy birthday.


hey guyssss 
          guess who's back after a full throttle mental breakdown?! ITS YA GURL EL!!
          thank you so much for all of your support while i took a break. something that happened a couple of months ago that i didn't think bothered me took 2 working months to hit me and it did and that's why i took a break. 
          im back and more ready than ever to get writing for my lovely readers. i love each of you ever so much. so... after haikyuu season one i will be writing Isabelle's story in the Spy X Family movie. I'm so excited because I loved the movie so much. 
          After that, since it has been very popular... I will be doing the Attack on Titan OADs. After those are done, I will be returning to Haikyuu to continue Kirika's story. 
          I'm so ready for all of these to happen and I hope you are, too. Also, I have started watching Death Note after putting it off for a while, and I'm already cooking OC ideas. My brain is just that powerful I guess. 
          So there will be a Death Note oc in the future. And if there are any animes you can recommend to me to watch or any anime you'd like to see me write an OC for, let me know, and I will put it on my list. 
          Thank you all so much for your continued support and I will see you in the next chapter. 
          All my love...
          - el x


            yay!! take care of yourself and take as many breaks as you need <3


@bnha-kny-jjk glad to have u back as for recommendations I strongly recommend black clover and blue lock I feel like I would make an amazing story out of already amazing animes lol 


hi everyone. 
          my anxiety has been up the wall recently so that's why my updates have slowed. thank you for your patience. 
          all my love,
          - el x


@ bnha-kny-jjk  I hope you get better soon 


@bnha-kny-jjk  take care hope you feel better ❤️‍ 


@typo_1889 im doing a lot better right now just still trying to push through 


hey everyone. 
          thank you so much for your support on the haikyu story! i didn't think it would get this popular. watched the movie last night and i cried a little. anyways, im trying to get these chapters out to you as quick as i can. also, ideas are brewing for koko's follow on story so im excited for that as well. hope you all are as well. as always, i love you all. 
          all my love, 
          - el x


@bnha-kny-jjk just wait till u see kuroko no basketball