
just a quick note and disclaimer. chapter three of act two will cover a very sensitive topic. yes, it's the grilled cheesus episode. i hope that you all know that whatever you believe in is totally valid, and that this is a safe space for you. 
          	this chapter will shed some light on courtney's (and the author's) beliefs. i am not an expert in spirituality. nor am i claiming to be someone whose beliefs is correct. 
          	however, what courtney mentions in the chapter is something i wished someone in the show said. it's so important to me that everyone's beliefs are respected because i've spent my entire childhood being told to believe in a certain God. 
          	i will not disclose which religion it is, but i will mention how suffocating it is to have people just assume you'll believe in something because they do. 
          	anyway, sorry for the long rant. i hope you all have an amazing day <3