
this message may be offensive
!! PART 2 !!
          	even if the s/a allegations turn out to be bullshit , mel is still a creep
          	why are you making a coloring book based off CHILDHOOD TRAUMA THAT YOU DIDNT EVEN GO THROUGH??? ☠️ the soap picture rot in hell
          	" but if you look at it that way your a pedophile!!!111!!!111" what normal person draws a BABY in the bath , with a bar of soap shoved down her throat with a terrified look-? 
          	" but the book isnt for kids " bud that doesnt make your exuse better that makes it worse :sobs:
          	" the book was made in 2016 why you mad now?" people been calling this shit out for YEARS , mel's rabid ass fandom just attacked anybody who slightly disagreed
          	so yeah crybabies lmao keep proving your retarded >_<


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!! PART 2 !!
          even if the s/a allegations turn out to be bullshit , mel is still a creep
          why are you making a coloring book based off CHILDHOOD TRAUMA THAT YOU DIDNT EVEN GO THROUGH??? ☠️ the soap picture rot in hell
          " but if you look at it that way your a pedophile!!!111!!!111" what normal person draws a BABY in the bath , with a bar of soap shoved down her throat with a terrified look-? 
          " but the book isnt for kids " bud that doesnt make your exuse better that makes it worse :sobs:
          " the book was made in 2016 why you mad now?" people been calling this shit out for YEARS , mel's rabid ass fandom just attacked anybody who slightly disagreed
          so yeah crybabies lmao keep proving your retarded >_<


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saying this here cause i'd probably get harassed for saying it on the main
          yall- melanie martniez is a fucking creep and if you still support her i dont trust you. no , timothy didnt lie , if she was really lying then why come back to the internet to get harassed again??? "she never said no" doesnt mean yes. even if timothy is lying OTHER WOMEN have came out and said melanie assualted them soooo yeah :P you cant say "s/a matters" but when somebody speaks up about your favorite singer you harass them ☠️
          " but she should of taken it to court " s/a victims dont do that and if so , they dont recieve justice
          " she doesnt remember the date " yeah thats common
          " but timothy is racist / a nazi / whatever " what does that have to do with sa lol


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not just online , but irl , i miss my friendships with people
          but like damnnn early 2022 me when i'd show my friends my bob and bosip shit and play smash bros with them?? goddamn i miss those times. now me and those people are strangers :/ i get i was a shit person back then but damn do i miss it all...anyway my birthday is coming up yay
          and hey- going to college soon so hopefully new friends to annoy right??


guess besides spamming im gonna use this account as a diary