
this message may be offensive
some of the people im following  are using this app as a whole ass blog like chill the fuck down-


why aren't you active on your pinterest!? U PROBABLY MADE A NEW ONE WITHOUT TELLING ME >:(


why does it say u blocked me *inserts cry emoji*


@borisdefender2010  NOOO IM SRYY I HAVNT BEEN ON WATTPAD IN A WHILE- but yeah my new acc is @twopointoh101


this message may be offensive
bro someone give me some ideas for my next chapter for my Losers in Hogwarts- I can't think ughhh
          also, I'm thinking of doing a stranger things book sometime 
          just maybe. if I feel inspired.
          I've updated the Reddie alternate sewer ending, yup! edited and revised! (and not so cringy anymore hopefully) 
          i may be less active due to school (and my suck-ass grades) 
          that's all for updates!