
          	I found out Cameron Boyce died today... he was a big part of my childhood.. it’s just very sad.. I’ve cried all I can cry out of me.. I’m just numb now.. idk what this post is about... I just kinda needed to vent..


Quick announcement!!
          I’m going to hopefully update my stories once a week, sometime on the weekends. 
          And I’m going to be putting more thought into my books and taking the relationships slower, even tho I love smut right away, I’ll leave to my oneshots  haha. 
          Anyways, I love you all and thank you for reading my crappy books. 


Heya guys, so imma just get to the point. I’m procrastinating on finishing the prologue for Hamilton Modern Life. Not for any particular reason, I’m just lazy. I wrote it on paper now I have to type it all out. It is a very long prologue and at the moment, it is at 1100 words and I’m barely done typing it out. I will let y’all know when it’s finally done. And wish me luck on finishing it.