
I'm crying because I just watched bell live for the first time and it makes me so sad and happy and I just live them with all my heart I never knew I could be so soft I'm not okay I love them and Im just I just I can't I feel so guilty and bad and they're just so beautiful in every way and omg am I soft now eeexf bngdf I'm so ugh SOFT BOI HOURS :(


I'm crying because I just watched bell live for the first time and it makes me so sad and happy and I just live them with all my heart I never knew I could be so soft I'm not okay I love them and Im just I just I can't I feel so guilty and bad and they're just so beautiful in every way and omg am I soft now eeexf bngdf I'm so ugh SOFT BOI HOURS :(


anyone who can't support niv ( @larryvgl ) and HER choices for HER books please leave and stop being fo butthurt over the fact twenty something is a switch book. okay grow up, some people actually enjoy her books and live her pure raw talent. keep your toxix opinions yo yourself and go enjoy her other books. thanks. 
          (sorry I just really love niv, I don't mean to be rude or start drama ) good luck on your exams babe! don't overwork yourself and take as long as break as you need! ♥♥♥


I can't spell yikes-


so- I'm putting probably all of my pooks that are posted as if right now on a hiatus, mostly because I've lately had no inspiration for the books that are up, I get new separate book ideas so much that it just overwhelms me, ive tried to push ideas together but sometimes they're so juicy they need a whole separate book, so ALOT of books are in the works and i work in them when I'm in the mood. I, of course  am not leaving the app, I'll just be privately working on other books, the books posted will stay up just most likely not worked on. they just don't interest me and I think they are hella cringy, I'll try and get back into my memey srof but I'm trying to work on a kinda serious book.
          so to all my fans who probably won't see this, sorry </3 but do be excited for more books to come! love you all :) good day and goodnight.


k um I just now listened to most of the album and uh it's YES a big thicccc fat yEs because I teared up for um like 4 different reasons and I'm sad but I also want to lick their thighs like in all seriousness there be looking thicc and I like am coming bac