this message may be offensive
OOOOOK! I was just WALTZING through WATTPAD when I saw soMETHING so AmAzInG! and I thought to myself 'WhEn and WhY Did 46 PeOpLe decide to FoLlOw mE?'
I mean, that's crazy. I honestly thought I had like 12 followers or even 16, but 46! damn, I love you guys. You honestly made my quarantine filled with school day so much better.
But on the other hand... I have a question for my ladies with periods.
Don't you just hate it when your period is like a few days late and you know you are not pregnant, cause you have the attractiveness level of a window, and you have this horrible waiting period of like two days or so where your like, I would like for you to come either now so I can go to the thing next week in peace ooooorrr your like don't come till like 2 weeks after ww4. Cause I FUCKING do.
On the other hand, my updating schedule is none existent, I am not dead in a ditch somewhere, I just have depression. So when it comes to me and my books never have any expectations. Cause I could give you three chapters or a new book (which I am considering, cause I have like 3 or so just waiting in my drafts.) I will try to edit my books and give new chapters because I have 46 effing* FoLlOwErS.
Side Note*
I swear so much in real life, it's just cause I don't have a clue what age you all are, cause I don't know how to check that, and I don't want to lose cause of my mouth. I will swear though, I'll just keep it to a minimum of like 2 swear words per post.