

Again sorry, for lack of updates helping my nephew move into a new place had to help my mom get her meds then by the end of all this I get tired out! Found out my niece is having twins she has 3 boys already so happy for her. But I will be back!
          Have a great week!!


I won $3k at bingo today and $200 in slots!! 
          Fantastic win for this weekend! I am a very happy camper right now!!!


@bonbonsandbooks what the????? You must have a lucky horseshoe or something  cuz I never win anything that big even with a lottery ticket. Dang where do you get your luck from. Maybe I should have you pick out my next lottery ticket numbers for me if numbers 1-49.


Finished & Updated stories this week are these listed here:
          • Charades
          • Please, Don’t Go!
          • Can’t Let Her Get Away!
          • Lonely Teardrops!
          Happy Friday! More updates are on the way so stay tuned for more thanks for reading, voting, & comments!