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this pillow smells like you.


@massrequiem !          oh yeah.     [ he can’t help but snort at their evident sarcasm. turning, he shifts a bit until he’s closer to them on the bed, dropping his head on their lap ]     but i think your scent might me mixing in with mine now.  considering how much you love taking up all the space in my bed. 


[hugging the pillow close their chest,  the scent of jean on it has their stomach filled to the brim with butterflies.  smiling brightly,  golden hues are glued to the other.]  really?  had no idea.  [comes their sarcastic response,  playfully tapping at his side with their foot]


@massrequiem !          well,  i have been sleeping on it for a while now.    [ he says in a lighthearted tone, sitting on the edge of the bed ] 


sometimes i can’t tell if you hate me or not.


i know,  i know you are.  i cant expect you to move on from what happened so quickly.  i’m trying here too…  really hard.  [leaning their cheek against the palm of their hand,  saylor doesn’t know much else that they can say to him at this point.]


@massrequiem !            [ his hand moves to brush over his face, fingers gently rubbing circles on his temples ]      i really wish i could say it wasn’t entirely.      [ the road to accepting their betrayal had been a slow one and some times harder than others. ]      i’m..  sorry.  i really am trying. 


like it’s painful to be around me.  [and saylor couldn’t really blame him for that either,  how could they blame him for any of it?  twirling the blonde strand of hair around their index finger,  their gaze never leaves from its fixed spot on the ground.]


are you alright,   jean?


@bonesoath,                   [    unsure on how to necessarily react,   mikasa’s lips were drawn onto a small frown.   the feeling in her chest becoming unbelievably tight,   recalling all those moments with sasha which she would never deem forgettable.    ]      i’m here for you.      [    it was a simple statement,   attempting to offer a small smile as a hand settles atop of his shoulder.    ]      but you should rest,   everyone’s waiting for you.


@ghastlies !              hm?     [ dark, empty hues slowly meet mikasa’s ones. slowly he shakes his head, sighing. sasha’s funeral had finished hours ago and still he stood over the freshly installed grave ]     not sure i’ll ever be.     [ only a few days ago and he still had the energetic brunette always to his side. he was still getting used to turning and being met with an empty space ] 


i said stay close     ..   can’t you listen for once?


@paradisghst !         come on now,  do i look like eren to you?     [ a pathetic attempt at a joke, if only to ease the captain’s worries. but it was understandable given their current predicament ]      alright,  i’m sorry.  it won’t happen again..  at least not without telling you beforehand. 


do you have a death wish?     (     the captain’s expression was frozen over with irritation—    or was it fear?    he wasn’t sure    )       you’re one of the most vital parts of the team.    can’t risk losing you.


@paradisghst !          i did listen.  but i heard something that i thought was worth checking out.     [ a quick retort as he tugged on his hood over his face ]     you never know out here,  right? 


idiot.   what do you think you’re doing?


@bonesoath,                 would be pretending make you feel better,   jean?      [    rowan inquires,   turning to look at him with a lone brow raised.   offering a questioning look,   one of which where they wondered just what jean was thinking at that moment.    ]       right.   guess you’ve always been like that,   glad at least your resolve to live never dies down.


@titanshft !             [ his brows furrow together but he still nods his head slowly. something unsettled him in the way rowan was speaking but he just couldn’t put a finger on it ]     just a bit.  at least pretend like you think you’re gonna make it out alive.    [ even if the road ahead was always so uncertain, especially whenever they ventured outside of the walls ]    course i’ll survive.  the last thing i have is a death wish.      


@bonesoath,              really.   can’t read or write,   but that doesn’t stop a person.   besides,   i’ve wanted to be apart of the scouts since i was little,   so it’s not a big deal.      [    a chuckle leaves,    ]      sorry,   was that a bit too morbid?   but i’m being honest,   fighter or not if something happens i can’t guarantee anything.   for me and for you,      [    rowan unintentionally foreshadows their own intent,   a frown soon settling on their lips.    ]     just make sure to survive,   will you? 


i don’t understand why you’re so upset.


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well you’re fucking annoying!  last time i checked i don’t have a track record of getting people killed!  so get off my ass about it!


@massrequiem !           god you are so selfish.    [ an exasperated sigh leaves him as his fingers run through his dirt and dust covered hair ]     yeah cause no one has the balls to confront you about it!  but i don’t care how strong you are,  it doesn’t change anything. 


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oh,  you’re so full of shit.  i didn’t risk anyone’s life.  [rolling their eyes once more,  they wave their hand dismissively over at him.]  i got done what needed to be done and you’re the only one bitching!


captain leia says we’re in love. are we?


of course,   levi respects you and he knows you’re a good person.  there’s no one better for me than you.  [taking his chin between their fingers,  he tilts it down so they can plant multiple kisses to his lips.]  i really think you’re the best person i could’ve gotten with if we’re speaking purely from levi’s perspective.  [saylor adds with a set of chuckles,  planting a couple more kisses here and there] 


@massrequiem !            oh yeah,  that’s a given.  not only does leia love me but only she can make sure the captain doesn’t kill me right then and there.     [ a shudder runs through him but he quickly laughs it off ]     seriously though,  do you think he’d..  approve?     [ it was important to him that the person closest to a parent to saylor would find him good enough for them ] 


poor them.  [corners of their lips upturn into a playful smile,   saylor was sure there were people out there that had a thing for jean.  with his looks and kind heart?  who wouldn’t?  at his words,  they can’t help but laugh—  forehead leaning into the crook of his neck.]   i really don’t think so.  but if you decide to you’ll have a better chance asking while leia is around.




i know.  [releasing a long exhale through their nose,  they press their forehead against his once more.  closing their eyes and allowing themselves time to savor the moment before pulling away completely.  standing back to their feet,  saylor offers out their hand to help him up.]   c’mon.  i’m starving.


@massrequiem !            [ he inwardly cringed at himself as he realized what his words might imply and how they sounded ]    it was a really stupid thought that immediately went away when i was told you were coming.     [ an attempt at explaining that miniature battle he had with himself hours ago ]      ‘m sorry,  you know i’m an idiot. 


[at his words,  their expression changes to one of slight confusion.  pulling back from his touch,  perhaps they’re focusing on the wrong things but those aren’t exactly things they wanted to hear.]   oh.  [but it made sense why he’d hesitate even if they’re sure they wouldn’t do the same.  jean would be safe at least,  the road ahead was still so uncertain.]  


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shit.   that didn’t work out like i thought it would.


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@skillthred !          well—  no!  but at least act like our lives are on the line!      [ the sun was just starting to descend, casting a shadows all over their surroundings. all he could do was hope that the others had found cover or managed to regroup. he wouldn’t even let himself consider the alternatives ]      shit.  shit.  SHIT.     [ a hand runs over his face before he leans his head against the thick trunk of the tree ]     we should try and get up on tree branches..  how’s your odm?   mine got totally fucked back there. 


@bonesoath,              would it be better if i was panicking and flailing my arms around yelling?!      [    the blonde replies,   almost bound to glare at the other as a definite frown was worn on his lips,   but despite his displeasure it was evident among the mirth of his blue irises that there was a twinge of fear in them.   he quickly tucks himself behind the tree,   taking in a deep breath as he racks through his head on what he miscalculated.    ]      something must’ve happened,   it should have gone according to plan.   i think we should wait until night comes,   it’ll only be a few hours now,   we just have to hide.      [    he exhales quietly,   hand going to his chest,   hovering his heart as his head was whirring.    ]      but be smart about it,   just stay behind here for a bit.  


@skillthred !         you’re acting WAY too relaxed about this,  armin!    [ panic drummed in his veins as he grabbed the blonde by the hood of his cape and pulled him behind the tree they stood by ]     your plans always work so what the hell went wrong?! 