
anyone want to join a writers' group chat on insta? book recs, writing tips, maybe reading people's drafts... idk


anyone have good secret billionaire trope stories on here? 


i hadn't either but i follow brad martin on snap and he had a poll about whether this trip or another was better. 
            i sat there like "Whaaaat??? a new trope????"


I’ve never read that trope before but if u find some share themmm I want to read about it it sounds interesting :)


do you ever just get love sick for love? 
          i've been listening to my soft love playlist on spotify and im dying over here
          i blame it on the books 


@bonnieet I'm so infatuated with the idea of falling in love and smv loving me but I also have really high standards so it probably won't happen for like foreverrr 


Heyyyy guys! 
          Just wanted to let everyone know about a book I'm currently writing on here. It's called Risky Decisions. 
          It's kind of cliche, but I'm seriously having a lot of fun writing it, and I'd love to share it with you all. I'd be forever grateful if you'd check it out!


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better <3 


@ScarlettBlackDaisy Of course! I've gotten very busy with school and extra stuff lately so I'm in a little reading slump... it may be a moment before i get to it but I'm reading it next!