Amanda, I can honestly say now that i have never been more sorry to someone. I completely lost my best friend. After that, i lost everything. I lost control of myself. I'm sorry i ever doubted you. You're so much better than you put yourself out to be. I cannot believe i let your friendship slip out of my hands like it was nothing. I know you're never going to forgive me, and that's a fact, but i just wanted to explain to you about how sincere i am at this moment. I would do anything to have myself dead right now. I can't do anything right anymore. You're right, I changed. And it wasn't for what I thought it was going to be for. It was about a boy, a boy who ripped my heart out and held it for a while. Then dropped it. Chucked it as far as he could away from himself. You're still that perfect apple on the top of the tree, and now i'm just a rotting apple on the ground. I'm that apple that was bit, and thrown into the road to get ran over. I can't dig myself out of the hole that's been dug now. And it's all because i fucked you over for someone i shouldn't have. Because i know now that i'll probably never get you back, I want to tell you something. When you said no one liked you amanda, it hurt me. It hurt me so much because I liked you. I thought you were the most amazing girl i've ever seen before. I don't understand why boys don't see it, but I did. You're still one of m\y favorite people alive. I use to have the biggest crush on you. But i never told you because i knew you would never go in any other direction than straight. :( I gave up on myself, and i gave up on my best friend. I don't expect you to talk to me. Ever again.. But i miss you. I really do. And i've never been in a deeper hole in my life... And i think it's almost time for my ending.. See you some other time Amanda... Goodbye..