
i've pretty much completely moved over to A03, If you want to read any of the new things ive been doing im on there as Dandy_Zombie.


Hey are you still active one here? I’ve read most of your books and I’m waiting for updates 


I haven’t been very active on here,  honestly I can only name two stories I have on here. I’ve mostly moved over you archive of our own. I’m honestly trying to get back into the spirit and update on all of my stories in the near future. Besides from the original ones I might just move them all to AO3 though. 


So it's clear I will not be updating "red riding hood stabbed me" anytime soon. Please be aware of that I am trying to focus solely on "pulse" at the moment, it is by far my favorite story to write and in general my favorite plot line I have available. I will continue "Red riding hood stabbed me" eventually I swear. 


Hey everyone my friend needs some help! @Alicechild  is writing a book but she is having a hard time with her plot and she could really use some encouragement or corrective criticism on her book "The boy behind these words" please go check it out and make sure to leave a comment