
Sometimes, i wonder whether feelings really do exist or not. 
          	Sometimes, i am conflicted whether the said actions were truly care or faint pity. 
          	But, most of the times, i'd ask myself whether i deserve to be loved or not. 
          	And in the end, i realize that i don't deserve all of this. 
          	Only then i'd screw it all again and again. 
          	Because i'm a greedy person. Because i'm selfish. 
          	And despite being the less-emotional one, i still am starving into what it called as dazzling happiness.


Sometimes, i wonder whether feelings really do exist or not. 
          Sometimes, i am conflicted whether the said actions were truly care or faint pity. 
          But, most of the times, i'd ask myself whether i deserve to be loved or not. 
          And in the end, i realize that i don't deserve all of this. 
          Only then i'd screw it all again and again. 
          Because i'm a greedy person. Because i'm selfish. 
          And despite being the less-emotional one, i still am starving into what it called as dazzling happiness.


Pudding doesn't like to read fics in which Woojin is getting rape, hard sex, and punches. 
          I want my Baby can stand up on his own, as a proud male, not a typical lame weak submissive.
          I want him and his partner get the same vision; protect, respect, and treasure each other with love--not only bed game things. 
          I have this belief of mine which say, "Read to entertain yourself, not to get head ache over its story."
          In other words, I tend to avoid heavy books--unless the book really got me hook. I like to read happy, lovey dovey, and fluffy books. And I almost always read fics which have fixed otp. I don't like to think much or get hurt of many possibility from whom my fave will end up with. I read what I like. It is. Rather I read unknown otps than unclear 'fave otps'. 
          So the conclusion is, this is not about I read any fics about Woojin anymore, I read only books can fill my aspects of what it called 'books I like'. 
          Sorry if I end up turn down many books and or don't give any glance to books which are not my likings. 
          Truly, sorry.
          Well, if any of you come here and read my board. 
          Because I don't dare enough to announce this. 
          Simple. I just want to express my little thought of this thing. Do not care enough if this will just be read by me. 


Selamat sore, teman-teman ^^
          Mohon maaf karena menggangu notif kalian. Akan tetapi, saya ingin menyampaikan berita yang penting (menurut saya).
          Terhitung mulai hari ini, saya memutuskan untuk berhenti menulis karena beberapa alasan personal. 
          Meski begitu, saya hanya akan membaca, walau hanya sesekali. 
          Mohon maaf karena saya masih meninggalkan satu work yang mangkrak--yang akan saya unpub setelah ini.
          Terima kasih atas semua dukungan yang kalian berikan selama ini. Saya sangat berterima kasih :)
          Saya sayang kalian :)
          Terima kasih karena telah membuat saya tersenyum, tertawa, juga terharu akan segala bentuk interaksi yang kalian berikan terhadap saya. Saya mungkin hanya satu dari sekian banyak author yg bukunya kalian simpan di library, tapi setiap satu dari kalian adalah sosok yg begitu berarti bagi saya. 
          Sampai jumpa, semoga kita dapat bertemu kembali dengan posisi kalian yg ganti menjadi author, sementara saya sebagai pembaca. Enjoy your life, my friends~
          Tertanda, Riri a.k.a Pudding
          ps. Saya masih menjadi Pancham shipper. Mungkin suatu hari nanti saya akan menulis chapter baru untuk Music Box atau Galaxy, tapi, saya tidak dapat berjanji. Karena saya akan fokus pada hal lain sekarang, dan tidak tahu sampai kapan. 


@deaks_ Hheheheh, iya gpp. 
            Makasih ya buat dukunganmu selama ini, it means alot, really ♡
            Iyaa. Makasihh ♡
            Kamu juga semangat yaa ♡


Kak, astagaaa aku baru lihat inii.... aku kaget huhuuu:( tapi, take care ya kakkk, apapun keputusan kak ri aku tetep dukung kak ri kok. Berat sebenarnya, tapii, it's okay, kak ri bisa berenti, tetep semangat kakkk ♡


kalian lebih suka aku nulis local!au atau ff biasa?
          kalian suka aku nulis yg manis atau sedih?
          cuman nanya :(
          krn moodku lagi jeblok...
          mau ngobrol sama pancham shipper...


@youngtomriddle Samaa, aku juga Tom ><


@pwjlvspddng wkwkwk, btw aku juga seneng bisa kenal sama kakak wkwkwk!! 


@pokitopokki Wahh biar greget kan yak kkkk
            meski bukan penumpang kapal besar pancham, kamu penumpang getek pancham(?) typo kayaknya itu kak :"
            Mau nielcham winkcham shipper, boleh bebas komen, selama ujin uke :"


ngeliat profil ketawa senyum sendiri kkk
          header otp bxg
          ava otp bxb


@cherrysone39 tak apaa ><
            itu ada sourcenya di bioku :"


@pwjlvspddng Eh ya tah? Maap. Sekilas mirip Wink mukanya.


          Ada yang punya fanart Pancham? Boleh kasih tau source atau kirim gambarnya via twitter?
          Thanks in advance!


@pwjlvspddng bagi bagi aku kak, taggg


@deaks_ iya, makasih :"
            aku tadi ubek" twitter cuman nemu dua-tiga doang :"
            sedih saya :(