
Hey! I apologise if I am bothering you by posting on your mb.
          I just would like to let you know about my ongoing contemporary Romance Quarter Life Crisis. 
          If you are interested in some soft romance with some humorous banter, may I suggest you to please give it a try. 
          I will drop a link below and hope the blurb and cover piques your interest. 


Thank you so much dear for your vote 
          I hope u will like it ☺️
          I just want to request you to please give a chance to my other story "Tangled Fate A Royal Marriage"
          If you just leave a single heart in the comments box it will make me super happy 
          Keep vote and comment 
          Please follow me☺️
          Stay tuned 


Sorry for posting without your permission.
          Please try my novel "LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO" 
          What happens when an indian girl falls with an American boy? Its a flirty, romantic, emotional roller coaster ride. I swear you will smile, blush, laugh, cry and get addicted to the characters.
          Don't blame me if you lose your nails in anticipation. It has so many twists and turns that it will you astonished. I promise you will not regret wasting your time on this lovely late of romance
          Novel link: