
Hi! I saw that you asked for help getting your book up and going, so I'll tell you all the tips I've used in the past. 
          1. Make sure you update regularly (at least once a month, probably more) 
          once you start updating, more people will start reading. 
          2. USE TAGS. If it's Sterek, make sure you use #sterek and any other tag that can go along with it.
          3. Follow people who are into what you're writing about. Sometimes, they'll notice you're writing a story and check it out. 
          4. Depending on who you ask, you might be able to get a dedication or a shout out in someone else's book. I never personally got a shout out, but I have given them before. I don't give them very often though. 
          That's all I have to give you. If you have any other questions, I can try to answer them. Message me privately if you want and I'll be happy to talk or help with any writing problems. I'll even check out your book once it gets a few more parts.