
Hey guys! So I have been starting to work on my story again when I realized that I needed to edit the first chapter A BUNCH. So I decided to take it down. Don't worry, its only gonna be down for a few days, but when I put it up (just for a heads up) it's going to be almost completely different (good different though). Trust me, if you've read it, I ask of you to go back through and reread the new version when I repost it. In fact, when I put it back up, it's going to be known as the prologue. Confusing, I know, but bear (@SerafinaTH you should be proud of me)  with me. From there, the story should start taking off. Hopefully I'll be able to get another update in not too long after the editing part. That's all, and if you actually decide to read this, thank you, and have a nice night/day


Hey i edited my story and put in the 'give it to ya for free' scean. XD


@RabiDramas heeeey just finished the second chapter!! 


Hybrid quarters


@RabiDramas yea...and also i just git back from showing kameryn HQ


Hey guys! So I have been starting to work on my story again when I realized that I needed to edit the first chapter A BUNCH. So I decided to take it down. Don't worry, its only gonna be down for a few days, but when I put it up (just for a heads up) it's going to be almost completely different (good different though). Trust me, if you've read it, I ask of you to go back through and reread the new version when I repost it. In fact, when I put it back up, it's going to be known as the prologue. Confusing, I know, but bear (@SerafinaTH you should be proud of me)  with me. From there, the story should start taking off. Hopefully I'll be able to get another update in not too long after the editing part. That's all, and if you actually decide to read this, thank you, and have a nice night/day


Hey, I had just found out that there is this major outage thing on here that doesn't show people's followers and may not let you log in properly. I had gone to the Help Center here on wattpad, and it says that this is something that had just recently started, and that their trying to fix it. We should all hold on for the next few days until the problem is fixed, but it's not something we should worry a big deal about.
          I hope everyone has a good day and that the problem is resolved for you soon! :)


Hi em it is the one and only gabby


@waterqueen13 and sorry, but I won't be able to answer back tomorrow, for I'm going to D.C for the day, and will probably be back around 10:00 or 10:30. So, if you're still up by then, you can talk to me, but I won't be getting any messages before that.


@waterqueen13 haha, yeah, I know. You said you'd make up some weird name on here, so when it said that "waterqueen13* followed you, I kinda figured it was you. Plus, I barely ever get any followers. :)