It breaks my heart to announce that my Instagram account got suspended today.
All the hardwork and efforts that I had put into that account is now all gone to waste. After further investigation I found that it's an instagram glitch.
Instagram is not able to support business/ creator accounts. I will not stop writing this book as I still have my Wattpad community. Do connect with me over Wattpad if you want. I will post on announcements where we can chat. It will take me some time to get into the right mindset to write this book again but I'll try my best to get over this phase soon.
Maybe something better is to come. All we can do now is pray and hope for the best. I love you all and thank you so much for showing so much love to this book. We are now close to 300 reads. This might be something small for some, but it's a really big achievement for me.
Being a newbie writer, it's hard to gain followers and readers and people who like my story.
In the end all I would like to say is, my Wattpad community is all I'm left with now. Please don't be silent readers and show your love by voting on the book and writing the comments.
Please take care and be careful. I wish you guys all the very best.
Yours truly
Millie aka bookishgurlyy