
Hi everyone, don't know if anyone rememebrs me but well
          	1. I got an internship 
          	2. I am currently persuing MBA 
          	3. Living in a different city 
          	4. Having weekly mental breakdowns 
          	One of my dearest readers brought to my attention that 3. Transcend of the Amethyst series is nowheer to be found. And it is not in my drafts either. So it must be a bug or such where it disappeared from existence. 
          	Now I am extremely extremely broken down by this. It is my first story and extremely close to my heart. And so, I will be rewriting it.
          	I will rewrite the whole story with everything I have learned.
          	I feel like I have let people down and my sincere apologies. Life has been hard. 
          	But as always thank you to those who still trust in me and support me. A random internet birb is eternally grateful to you.
          	Much love.
          	hope the best things happen to everyone


@booklored Ray!!! Heya,  I'm glad you'll be a little more active ☺️☺️. So sooo happy for your internship and wishing you all the absolute best . I know it isn't easy but I'm one person who is eternally grateful for the friendship we share, and I'll always be here to support you. Happy New Year by the way!!
          	    In case you're wondering how we know eachother, my main account isn't available for now, this is a new account I just created because - reasons. 
          	    Sending you a million good lucks and hugs from here ☺️


as a first time reader of one of your works, i just wanted to tell you not just how much i love "Getting Wilder"; but, also, just how impressed i am with your writing skills. even among those i consider "favorites", your writing spoke to me like very few authors have been able to do. 
          Nico is, in reality, a very strong character who, despite the odds against him, holds on and refuses to give up or give in no matter how difficult it may be. Wilder may have begun as being a character not worthy of Nico; but i always suspected there was something behind the scenes that was preventing him from returning Nico's feelings. your revelation as to whom and what was supreme. 
          thank you so much for having written this book. i do hope that sometime in the future you do write the sequel because i would love to read it.


Hi everyone, don't know if anyone rememebrs me but well
          1. I got an internship 
          2. I am currently persuing MBA 
          3. Living in a different city 
          4. Having weekly mental breakdowns 
          One of my dearest readers brought to my attention that 3. Transcend of the Amethyst series is nowheer to be found. And it is not in my drafts either. So it must be a bug or such where it disappeared from existence. 
          Now I am extremely extremely broken down by this. It is my first story and extremely close to my heart. And so, I will be rewriting it.
          I will rewrite the whole story with everything I have learned.
          I feel like I have let people down and my sincere apologies. Life has been hard. 
          But as always thank you to those who still trust in me and support me. A random internet birb is eternally grateful to you.
          Much love.
          hope the best things happen to everyone


@booklored Ray!!! Heya,  I'm glad you'll be a little more active ☺️☺️. So sooo happy for your internship and wishing you all the absolute best . I know it isn't easy but I'm one person who is eternally grateful for the friendship we share, and I'll always be here to support you. Happy New Year by the way!!
              In case you're wondering how we know eachother, my main account isn't available for now, this is a new account I just created because - reasons. 
              Sending you a million good lucks and hugs from here ☺️


Hey Ray!! It’s been a few years wow and i’m rereading the Amethyst series for the zillionth time but cannot seem to find Transcend?


Hey! Probably a really late response but thank you for bringing it to my attention. Working on it, not sure where it went probably some Wattpad glitch 
            Tysm for supporting me ❣️


HELLO! your story is really great i think. i have also started writing a novel series called the HALL OF FAME (THE CURSE OF THE SEVEN STARS AND THE TRAGEDY OF THE DARK STREAMS) it has 7 parts at all and it's a true MASTERPIECE!!!
          KEEP AN EYE :)
          THANK YOU! as a new writer i need your grace