
So I'm deleting this. I know you don't care but ye. I'm deleting  barely use it there's literally no point.


          	  I deleted that account. Yay


So. I forgot my password for this and my other one. And when I tied to log into my new one, it didn't work 'cuz I forgot the password. So I'm staying on here until May and then make a brand new account. Maybe my friend can log into hers, 'cuz I can't delete these from my phone.


FAKE FRIENDS: say "love ya" jokingly. REAL FRIENDS: say "I love you" and mean it. FAKE FRIENDS: will sit with you after a breakup and say "I'm sorry" REAL FRIENDS: Will call them and ask them what their problem is before devising a plan to destroy them FAKE FRIENDS: will read this REAL FRIENDS: will steal this FAKE FRIENDS : will Lie and Betray you REAL FRIENDS : Will Loyal and Honest to you No matter what There are some people getting too fake here on Wattpad, They only want posts, comments, or to see how many friends they can get. So let's see who will actually repost this. This is a test to see how many people in my friend's list actually pay attention, copy and repost in your own bulletin. Let's see who the true friends are... Repost this if you are a friend.
          @SpiritGold3761 had posted this.


I realized that kids are the light in the world. They bring joy and laughter into our dark, gloomy world. They stay strong, despite whatever's going on. They are amazing story-tellers and love to play. They stay in this imaginary little world of theirs, innocent of everything. Some of those kids suffer, but they still stay bright. They are our future. So, all of you with little brothers or sisters, tell your siblings that you love them. I don't have any, unfortunately. :(