
but i cant be with this person because its miles and miles away from me to be extact this person is 970.5 miles from me ugh yeah thats far... 


Hey, you wrote on my convo a while ago and i totally forgot to message you back. i feel really bad but if you'd still like to i'd love to get to know you. :)


@booknerd-me i can't i kind of drowned my phone the other day ;-; ill message you on here?


@Sarcastic_Poet yes i would love too


this message may be offensive
just got fucking hit by my grandmother because she came home with an attitude. an asked if i did something i said no but its cooked an she got mad like u cant season it wit the stuff u use... u told me to cook not season an normally u take out the seasoning but its w.e. im brave.... than tells me to shut up an seat down like im not no damn dog foreal an she said im right here i will back hand u ovr some food an plus i said why r u yelling an takin ur angryness out on me an she got mad an started hitting me but its okay im brave even tho she hit me were i can get seizures imma make it out alive by the time im 18 next year i hope


been sick for the last 4 days i have not went to school this week.. but im going to doctors today at 11:30 a.m. will let you know how it goes.


@BeautifullyThorned it went pretty well thanx for askin i have strep throat an cant go to school until monday