
Well it's good t o know that someone likes my stories


I wanted to say personally that I LOVE your story Percy Jackson, protector of the Hunt.....it0s very fantastic! And I couldn't resist to propose you my idea of  update:
          You could put Khione in the story, (She's one of my favorite goddess :3 )and plus, she can join the gods... I mean, KHoine is at first with Tartarus and Gaia, but then, when she attacked the Camp, Percy convince her to fight with him and not against him and she became good, however, many gods and demigods won't appreciate her and deny her (because they remember her as evil and it's like normal people with the cold, they don't like cold)....that should make an awesome sequel! Of course, this is just a suggestion, but I would be very glad if you consider my idea :)


@meloctoni  I have read both of your books and loves them both


okey dokey ;)


Ya Ik a lot of people like it but it will probably just be a one book thing