
@NewNance it would be so funny:)) and it would be a great song. My song:)) that's a pretty great idea yo have there;)


@books23hugs  yeah. We should make it together. :)


Yeah, definitely. If someone wants to be friends with me, they should definitely get used to my weirdness.
          You know the song 'Sexy and I know it'? There should be a parody 'Weird and I know it'! Wouldn't that be so funny?


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np. I call it like I see it. :) I love it too! That's a great motto to have. I don't really have a motto, but there is a bunch of things I say a lot. 
          Everyone tells me I'm weird all the time, and my answer is one of two: Thanks, or I say, I know.
          Sometimes I say 'No shit, sherlock.'