
Heyyyyyyyyyy. So it's been awhile. Long story short I'm done with freshman year! Time goes by quick!! Anyway I'm going to try to be a little more active and I have another book idea so I guess we'll see where that goes! Anyway sorry for being gone for so long. I got a new phone last Christmas and I just got the app back. So yeah, stay tuned lol


Heyyyyyyyyyy. So it's been awhile. Long story short I'm done with freshman year! Time goes by quick!! Anyway I'm going to try to be a little more active and I have another book idea so I guess we'll see where that goes! Anyway sorry for being gone for so long. I got a new phone last Christmas and I just got the app back. So yeah, stay tuned lol


Ok so I have these two covers regarding my new book which most of you knew it as * but the names changed. I want to know which one you guys want. I'll try to post them on the upcoming chapter but if I can't, the covers are an ancient key opening what seems like an antique door with a lock. The second one is a black and white building.(I'm kinda leaning toward the lock, but idk) so let me know!