wow guys it’s been a moment i came on wattpad after taking a break for several months due to my mental and physical health and honestly came here to read a book that was recommended to me by my friend and decided to check my notifs on here bc they definitely piled up. i saw the comments my readers have been leaving on my book and will be replying to soon hopefully. honestly i didn’t expect to come back and finish of my book but seeing that i had so many ppl vote for my book and 55k views and all the nice ppl on my comments i’ve decided starting with the new school year in september i’ll mass write a bunch of chapters and be uploading them throughout september and october and finally complete this book. i’m trying to finish it before october bc i’m in my final year of highskl now and have back to back exams from october to june so it won’t be easy to upload. i want to thank all my readers for being patient with me over these months and i love you all thankyouu!