Hey everyone!
Soooooo most of you won't read this but for those of you who will this is what's going to happen to this account.
It's going to stay the same, only that I will be posting as often as possible and that I will finish 'My Mystery Man' because I think that's my best story personally. I'm currently writing a book. Like a 'book that I want to publish some day' book. That won't be up until I've finished it and it's all edited so that might take a while.
I'm also going to start a new account called (if this names not taken) for.da.luv.of.horses . Most people who follow my Instagram would know that this is another account I made for horsey stuff, and like that acc this account will be for horsey books that I'm going to write. So yeah.
I feel like I've said enough so yeah. Bye for now