
hey! I just posted a new chapter (CH46 WOW) of booked for the year (it is the first day of camp nano after all, I figured we should celebrate). No promises of consistent posting though (Im a little bit of a disappointment when it comes to consistency) however I will try to do at least a chapter a week.
          	Again, leaving Gwyneth in a really rough spot so ig you guys (ha. like there's someone reading this) will have to start reading soon to not miss out on this drama :)
          	anyway have a great morning/day/afternoon/night <3


hey! I just posted a new chapter (CH46 WOW) of booked for the year (it is the first day of camp nano after all, I figured we should celebrate). No promises of consistent posting though (Im a little bit of a disappointment when it comes to consistency) however I will try to do at least a chapter a week.
          Again, leaving Gwyneth in a really rough spot so ig you guys (ha. like there's someone reading this) will have to start reading soon to not miss out on this drama :)
          anyway have a great morning/day/afternoon/night <3


chapter 45 is up and that's all, folks (what do I mean "folks", I'm probably the only one reading this. More like "that's all, folk!")! We leave Gwyneth in a really rough spot at the restaurant............ *screams in loving sympathy for her*
          ALSO: GILDED, by MARISSA MEYER  (<3) now has a RELEASE DATE! *screams in crazy excitement* can't wait until NOV 2 (we really need to figure out a way for numbers to be capitalized... lmk if there's some way I can get them bigger haha).
          ok bye for now, have a good morning/day/night <3


The past three days (chapters 37-39) have definitely upped the romance game for Gwen and Finn. I'm going to keep updating daily for the next week or so and then pause while I finish writing the ending. We're very close!
          Something cool about today -- billie eilish's new single was released: -- it's stunning.
          If you want to smile -- look at these epic GILDED nails: (by marissa meyer). LOVE THEM :)


Day 2 of "hey she really needs to keep writing LIKE ACTUALLY WRITING if she's going to post a chapter a day until she finishes" and if you were thinking that, you would be absolutely right.
          here's a joke I heard today that I laughed at for a full 5 minutes, just so you don't get to thinking that this post was completely useless (debatable): My geology class rocks!
          Gets me every time
          anyway have a good day/afternoon/night <3


hey everyone!
          nothing much to say, except that there are 5 days left in April so I think I'm going to update one chapter a day until we finish the draft? Which is a slight problem since there are only 5 written chapters left and 9 in the outline ... so... better get writing  (no seriously I need someone to scream at me to write).
          anyway hope you're having a good day/afternoon/night <3


@theres_no_guarantees @theres_no_guarantees i would be honored. that's what friends are for


@bookstore_assassin haha I can help scream at you


^^ also to start this, chapter 35 is now up! so enjoy! thanks :)


          Hey there! 
          How's your day so far? 
          We're just dropping by to remind you to ; 
            Take chances. Stay out late. Go for the person you are in love with. Stand up for what you think is right. Laugh all the time. Stay confident. Have amazing friendships. Dance like no one is watching. Blast music as loud as you can and scream as loud as you can. Be yourself. Sleep in late on weekends. Take amazing pictures. Make great memories. And one more thing, always remember, the people that judge you, aren't worth it. 
          Everything is gonna be okay. Just keep breathing and pm us if you need someone to talk to. 
          Because you're worth it.