
Hey guys! I have just posted a new story that I am working on called the Iron Daughter! For anyone that has any interest in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), it might be right up your alley! Here's a little summary: 
          	Morgan Stark is now sixteen years old and she wants to become a superhero. Like, so badly. Everyone else has gone into retirement and all she wants to do is be like her dad. She doesn't know how real it can be until a new foe is met and they are targeting her. Meanwhile, she's starting to have feelings for Captain America's grandson, Leo Bane. A charming, cocky and dreamy teenager who will do anything to protect his loved ones.  She has to choose: is this life really for her? Or will it always be the death of the Stark family?
          	An author's note, the prologue, and the first chapter are already up, and the second chapter will be posted in a couple of days! Please read and enjoy!


Hey guys! I have just posted a new story that I am working on called the Iron Daughter! For anyone that has any interest in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), it might be right up your alley! Here's a little summary: 
          Morgan Stark is now sixteen years old and she wants to become a superhero. Like, so badly. Everyone else has gone into retirement and all she wants to do is be like her dad. She doesn't know how real it can be until a new foe is met and they are targeting her. Meanwhile, she's starting to have feelings for Captain America's grandson, Leo Bane. A charming, cocky and dreamy teenager who will do anything to protect his loved ones.  She has to choose: is this life really for her? Or will it always be the death of the Stark family?
          An author's note, the prologue, and the first chapter are already up, and the second chapter will be posted in a couple of days! Please read and enjoy!


Hello! I have changed my account a little bit in the past week because I started this account when I was very young and thought I should get rid of stories that were not going to continue to be written. The Four was a book that I decided to write a long time ago, but I strayed away from the main idea behind my story and decided to restart. I really would like this book to be perfect, not just because I want it to be, but because I want other people to read it! I will definitely be more active now! Please revisit The Four! I will have the prologue and the first two chapters posted by the end of the day, please message me and let me know what you think or vote and comment! Thank you for the support!


You should totally do a Percy Jackson and Harry Potter crossover 


@booksygirl07  no problem and if you decide you don't like the book you could also always try the movie as well


@MystyKarr  Thanks for recommending the book to me! I will certainly look it up and maybe we could talk about it afterwards. I might do the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson cross over  but  i will need some  time to get back in the rhythm of posting stories