
What book should I update


          This new thing I wanted to include at the end of all my chapters is chat with ash. Basically, at the end of a chapter I will go on to discuss what basically happened this chapter in similar words, my goals for that chapter, and it helps the readers (you) build a better understanding of the story, plot, characters, and dynamic and helps to get to know me better as an author. Of course, reading them is completely optional.


What do u mean I start school tomorrow?


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My bio may seem all wise and shit, but I can assure you that I am not wise. I am literally falling apart. Life lately feels like talking to a wall yk what I mean? Anyways this is sorta like a vent because I don't really communicate with people that well about serious issues. I try, but I don't say the full thing because sometimes I just feel vulnerable. I just don't wanna seem all smart and wise, idk if you see me that way. That's fine If you don't. It's just I've been called that my entire life and it gets frustrating because idk what the fuck I'm doing. So, uh, I'm babbling now so bye bye :/