i wanted to tell the people who i follow and follow me that miraculous ladybug is no longer going to be part of my life. it's come to my attention it involves black magic. you may be wondering why i'm saying this.
i'm a Jehovah's Witness. you may have had one (or more) of us come knocking on your door. being a Jehovah's Witness means i can't involve my self with magic and certain shows, books, or things in general that are to do with magic and other subjects. i don't want to sound as though i'm being forced to stop watching / reading this show, this is my own conscience bothering me, telling me i shouldn't watch it. i respect you if you no longer want to follow me, as i will not be writing about MLB anymore. i have already deleted my books.
i have loads of other book ideas flowing through my head right now and will probably write them, you can read them if you choose to stick around.
you can PM me if you have any further questions or inquiries. please, if i we could have comments that aren't hateful or have a minimized hatefulness i would much appreciate it as i am not very good with wording things.
your fellow reader.