
Hello! Bonjour ! Hi ! Hey ! Sorry for my randomness but I wasn't sure what way u great others , and as me being Canadian , Ayye what's up! My page is going to be filled with stuff  (FAN FICTIONS) but I thought I'd let u know a little about my story and maybe u could relate .. Ok but please remember if there are any spelling Errors im only 13 okay that's not much but Ayye who else writes theses fanfics 


Hello! Bonjour ! Hi ! Hey ! Sorry for my randomness but I wasn't sure what way u great others , and as me being Canadian , Ayye what's up! My page is going to be filled with stuff  (FAN FICTIONS) but I thought I'd let u know a little about my story and maybe u could relate .. Ok but please remember if there are any spelling Errors im only 13 okay that's not much but Ayye who else writes theses fanfics