/ also, to the black community I am so sorry you are going through what you are. Donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund here:
Black Lives Matter.
And all cops who don’t hold their racist coworkers accountable are bad.
Love you guys. If you’re protesting, please be safe. Even peaceful protests are not safe. In LA they have all been peaceful but police were pepper spraying, macing, running people over, squads with guns were seen, the KKK was seen, people are being shot with rubber bullets all the time, people are being teargased… at the PEACEFUL ones. Please be careful. People have also been being kidnapped. Do not repost videos of what’s happening without concealing the faces of the protesters. Protect their identity. If you’re a protester cover your face, carry water and milk with you for if you’re pepper sprayed, don’t go alone, don’t take anything that can identify you.
Be safe. I love you.