
Ok I finished Lisa's Side of the Story. It has an epilogue and everything   Tbh the epilogue is actually my favorite part 


*hits with foam sword* Do you feel attacked yet?


Now it's gone too far -_- 


@Xx_Skotono_xX :0 *brings out knuckle bomb* 


*points hand gun* Drop the weapon


Hey, hey, hey here is my books first chapter:
          Walking through the school, I smiled at Bryson, one of my friends. He waved to me and I waved back, I then looked around warily. Lately where ever Bryson was, Kyle was, I think that he is following Bryson on purpose so he can get to me. I looked around one more time to see if he was there and, he was. There he was storming up to me with a dangerous look in his eyes, I turned and ran down the stairs and. . . never made it to the classroom in time. Somehow managed to get in front of me and bully me. I dropped my binder on the ground and allowed him to drag me into the bathrooms. He shoved my head into the toilet and flushed it. I was used to this behavior by now, but I still got a mouth of toilet water. I didn't fight back, I knew I shouldn't or he would start puching me also. He left to go to class, laughing at me. Slowly I got up and walked to the sink, I washed my face and hands then dried then off. When I looked up I saw those happy hazel eyes filled with annoyance, saddness, but mostly anger. I wiped my face as a drop of toilet water fell from my blonde hair that uses to be swept across my forehead. I hate Kyle, he does this almost everyday, it ruins my happiness for only a minute or two the I go back to being my regular self. Slowly I walk down the hallway and reach the place I dropped my binder, I bend over and pick I up and the walk to my next class, english. I am especially excited for today because we are writing poems. 
          Walking home, I feel overjoyed, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining and it is the Summer. Summer is my favorite season, and it always will be. I swiped at the glowing light that was following me home ,it looked like a miniature sun.It was just above my head. It had been following me home for 6 days, tomorrow is July, 4 Independence Day and, my  13th birthday.


Ok I edited it and sent it back to you


Hey so for those of you bothering me about finishing Lisa's Side of the Story ( @AnnabethChase113 & @LeoValdez113 ) I wanted to let you guys know I'll be publishing some new chapters soon... probably.... I think.... I hope.... maybe?


Hey yeah about that… doesn't look like I'm updating after all. Heh sorry about that.


@LeoValdez113 don't call yourself Bad Boy Supreme. You are NOT my boi Leo