
Sorry I literally just kinda disappeared off of this but Im taking a break from here. Be safe, love ya
          	Xoxo Nya


So I don’t know how many times I’ve actually talked about this but I’m gonna do it again. Over quarantine, I have been basically binge watching Dan and Phil (and if you don’t know who they are, I suggest you go and binge watch them too), and as you know (or don’t) they both came out almost a year ago, and their stories, especially Dan’s were kind of motivating about coming out but like my parents are *insert weird noise here*. Well, my dad probably wouldn’t care if I was attracted to watermelons honestly but my mum on the other hand. She’s like not homophobic, but she kinda is? Like I showed her the pastel edits of Dan and Phil and she was like “They look like faggots” and Im just like “okay bye-”.  Also in her eyes you can either like only girls or only boys. Like if i was lesbian, she would be okay what that but If you like both, in her eyes it’s a choice. And I’m like bisexual (which she found out) and I can’t convince that being bisexual isn’t a choice (long story short I just ended up just telling her Im straight), and I’m just like why? Can’t wait to yeet myself away from home


@dying-is-a-gift sigh it is difficult to make people understand sometimes. i don't identify as part of the lgbtq spectrum, but i have many friends who do (and i'm a passionate ally!). believe me when i say things will get better. but until then, stay strong, and don't be afraid or ashamed of who you are.


ITS APRIL. Tomorrow Wake Up, Sunshine comes out (im eXcIteD), then on April 6th is Frankieś son birthday, then April 9th Gee, April 12th Beebo, then April 15th is my dadś birthday, April 23rd is my friends, April 24th is Kellinś birthday, then last but now least, Mikeyś daughter Rowan birthday on the 28th jesus-


@dying-is-a-gift i would like to add that patrick stumps birthday is april 27th


Guys, name three songs mcr shouldve played at their reunion tour but didnt




@dying-is-a-gift desert song desert song desert song