
Hello fellow book lovers! I know I haven't posted a chapter in a few weeks and the reason is my Microsoft account expired and my school is having a hard time updating all student access. I am hoping to have another chapter posted in the next few days!
          	Thank you for reading and have a magical day!


Hello fellow book lovers! I know I haven't posted a chapter in a few weeks and the reason is my Microsoft account expired and my school is having a hard time updating all student access. I am hoping to have another chapter posted in the next few days!
          Thank you for reading and have a magical day!


Hello fellow book lovers! You may have noticed that all of my chapters have been edited recently but I was mostly fixing small typos and errors. The overall story and plot line haven't changed so you don't need to reread any of the chapters. 
          Thank you for your support! 


Hello, fellow book lovers! I've gained a few followers and have several people read my new novel. Thank you! I appreciate and love hearing from all of you! If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them! You can respond to this message or in the chapter. 
          Have a wonderful day!


Hello, fellow book lovers! This announcement is regarding my book, "We Were a World Apart." I've been working on this novel on and off for about a year and I've finally decided to share it. I thank anyone who has read or will read my novel. I appreciate any feedback that you can share with me as it will allow me to become a better writer. Please don't hesitate to share your constructive criticism. 
          I realize I'm not a well-known writer but I'd love to try and gather a following. Writing is my passion and I'd like to share my work with others who might also enjoy it.