
notre dame should've won the natty!!


guys, please check in on your loved ones and friends during this holiday season. you never know what someone is going through. i'm not going to say exactly what happened, but my dad unfortunately lost a good friend and coworker in a way we never imagined. please be there for each other. 


i was born into a VERY conservative and catholic family that used to attend church every sunday. from the moment that i could understand politics, they pushed on me that abortion is a sin and that it is wrong. i did my communion in 2nd grade and my confirmation in 9th. i was always told that my body belongs to god and no one else. i have always considered myself to be independent, but since 2019, after my confirmation, i have always realized that i am VERY left wing. i am very against the beliefs i was forced to believe in from the moment i was young. i did not vote for trump. i never have and never will. i voted for kamala because, even though she's not that good of a person, she's the lesser of the two evil. my family does not know that i didn't vote for trump. i'm legit so scared that they'll somehow find out. 
          please be safe, everyone. please keep fighting for your rights. please find ways to turn this country around.  i love you all so so much.


rest in peace to all the victims who, very sadly, lost their lives in the twin tower and pentagon attacks, along with the plane that crashed into the field. however, let's also not forget the millions of muslims who were killed in the war, along with those who were killed due to unnecessary stereotypes that STILL go on to this day. let's also not forget the soldiers whose lives were taken because of a war bush felt was so necessary to start, when it shouldn't have been.


it's absolutely insane to me how school districts want to ban cellphones from classrooms. how are students supposed to reach their parents if there's a lockdown or a shooting? can you imagine being a parent and not being able to reach your kid, whose school is on lockdown?
          there NEEDS to be a ban on assault weapons. i get it, you cannot change what is written in the constitution, but assault weapons cannot exist anymore. did you guys know that the leading cause of death in kids and teens is gun violence? 
          in 2021, 48,830 people in the united states died from injuries related to gun violence. every single day, more than 120 people in the united states are killed with guns, and twice as many are wounded. since columbine in 1999, there have been 416 school shootings. 416! when will it be enough?


my heart is absolutely broken hearing about the loss of johnny gaudreau and his brother, matthew. sending all my love to johnny's wife, matthew's wife, and their family. this is such an awful loss for the hockey world. 
          if you're drunk, please don't drive. please get a ride home, whether it's a friend or an uber. by getting behind the wheel, you're taking innocent lives of people who should still be here.


@Silmarilz1701 i've unfortunately lost someone because of a drunk driver and it's just horrible


@bourneos literally been crying off and on all day