
Someone rp w me and my life is yours 


hi! i know you sent this a while ago but do you still want to roleplay?


@x-islasorna-x I haven’t seen it :(


Someone rp w me and my life is yours 


hi! i know you sent this a while ago but do you still want to roleplay?


@x-islasorna-x I haven’t seen it :(


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Feels mid as fuck to vent on a gd wattpad page bit I got my irls everywhere else so </3 anyway I feel drained as fuck rn and feel like my life's going nowhere and I'm most peoples second choice and not even second I'm jus using that metaphor o(-( feels like my passions r going nowhere besides just imagination and the only shit I'm good at is shit I procrastinate at anyways o(-( I also jus don't feel likeable as a person anymore like I'm annoying and clingy or whatever and I can't be myself around my family cause they don't know who I actually I am el oh el. And without their permission I can't transition to who I acc am so i gotta wake up every day and hate who's in tm reflection and also not knowing who tf that is cause qhat the fuxk do I even look like?? Idfk beats fucking me but yayayay I jus wanted to get shit off Mt chest on a platform where I don't know ppl irl so I don't get jumped :3 I'm not too active here anyway lmao


( @boxofbo ) np! im always free to talk if you need absolutely anything! :)


@minafllor omfg thank you so much, that's so sweet : ( I appreciate that so much you're so lovely and great too !!!


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( @boxofbo ) that sounds like absolute hell to live through. it sucks how your not able to express yourself and show who you want to be, thats whats shit about the views of some people. you definitely deserve better! you sound and seem like a great/lovely person and i hope that its gets better. i cant change the way you feel and think about yourself, but just know that im sure that you look lovely and you honestly seem like a good person <3 :)


if i said pretty please would someone rp marvel w me


@boxofbo perfect! i just tagged you my oc 


@blxck-rvmanova AWESOME i'll dm you my form when im done w it :3 tag me to yours !!!


guys i dont think i can actively express how much i love vanessa i would kill and die for her if there's zero vanessa fans on this earth than i am dead i'm actively drawing her and writing fanfiction about her as we speak