It’s 2020 and I still can’t see further than 3 cm without bits of bendy glass This year is an absolute scam

@deamusobsession You wear glasses, too? Oh gosh, and I feared I was the only one here on Wattpad with this struggle. At least my sight is not that bad, I mean, my left eye is perfectly normal but my right eye whAT THE HECK- I had gotten a splinter of rust in it when I was five and since the operation , my sight on that eye became bad. It's almost as bad as you described, ugh. Wow, this was supposed to be just a short sentence about the tragic backstory of my eye, but now it's almost a novel xD

@deamusobsession it’s 2020 and since the year started I’ve been having issues with my eyes. This is worse than a scam