
Hi, 309 people who are currently reading this! 
          	I had no idea my account became this popular. I originally abandoned this, which is the main reason why I haven't been online  for about 2 years. I revisited this on a whim, and I am, quite shocked to find me to be so popular.
          	Great. I now feel an obligation to write. Thanks a lot, guys (or girls). 
          	Anyways, I'll start posting stuff onto this account, because this account is infinitely more popular than my other one. Please message me to suggest prompts, and I might get to writing them! :)
          	Lots of love,



Hey all! I’m looking for a book that I can’t seem to find anywhere. I can’t remember the name but the gist of the book is: 2 Russian brothers(or twins) fall in love. Ones name is Dimitri (Dima for short) he keeps journals/diaries. I know their parents died but that’s all I can remember. Besides that they visited a bath house in Russia. Help please