
Okay, i think i'm gonna finish a few of my own ideas for the one shot book. I just remembered i had this whole list of ideas i was excited of doing but i never got to because i was busy doing peoples requests. I will be doing a few of your requests but a few of mine as well. Hope you can understand x


Yes! Very excited :)


of course !!! have fun writing your ideas and cannot wait to read them !!


Okay, i think i'm gonna finish a few of my own ideas for the one shot book. I just remembered i had this whole list of ideas i was excited of doing but i never got to because i was busy doing peoples requests. I will be doing a few of your requests but a few of mine as well. Hope you can understand x


Yes! Very excited :)


of course !!! have fun writing your ideas and cannot wait to read them !!


NEW Obsession chapter coming out TOMORROW. I was going to do it today, but i'm feeling so overwhelmed with the olympics, i gotta go support the rah rah country y'all so...yeah be ready for tomorrow. :) The chapter is already 4k words long.


I'm currently writing fo Obsession, sorry i haven't been writing. I'm trying to enjoy summer lol and it's been rainy so the mood is just not there. BUT i swear i think i forgot how to write lmao. Not sure when the next chapter will be up but i'm typing with my little fingers as fast as i can :)


Did you stop OBSESSION ? Are you planning on continuing ? Honestly was my favorite stories on Wattpad on Leah.


Oh ok I’m so happy then your story’s amazing thank you for updating your stories that much


@lplplp___  No, i didn't stop it. I have been finishing up my requests and i've been a bit busy with that. That's why i haven't updated:)


          I do have to say, the limit of 'chapters' on wattpad are 200 so technically there's only 10 spots left. If that makes any sense. So i'm gonna let you guys fill in the form but i can't promise EVERY single one is gonna be written. So you can request but it's not guaranteed 100% i'll write it, does that make sense? Anyway, please don't get upset is all i'm asking. I'll probably do a 'wip' on here so you can know which ones i WILL be writing, let me know if you guys want that. BUT PLEASE ALSO BE SPECIFIC


i don’t know you if you remeber buy i requested a while ago a smut chapter with alanna kennedy where they were at an event and the interviewer  makes innapropiaye comments abt y/n and alanna get jealous yk what happens at home 


@lwwife not sure honestly, i have a lot of ideas, if people REALLY would want me to i might take it into consideration. not sure though


this message may be offensive
Let me clear something up real quick, i don't care if you don't like my stories or my one shots. I've been trying to ignore the stupid comments for quite some time now thinking you were just stating your opinions but i really don't care what you think. If you don't like it, simply stop reading. This isn't directed towards someone in specific, there's been about two people who always want to give their opinions (negative ones) and i'm like trying to be nice about it, but apparently you guys like to take things so serious and up the ass. ITS FICTION. Everything i write is fiction. Obviously not everything is gonna 100%. I try and DO my research for the most part. When i ask for 'feedback' you're supposed to use your brain and think 'oh let me say something useful' not some bullshit opinion. The story i'm currently writing is the story IM writing, not you. (this isn't about the people that are like "let them be happy" or "i really want them to do blah blah blah" this isn't about you guys, you are being respectful which what i'm asking for). This is about the people that complain about what I write, it's ME writing it not YOU. So please, if you don't like my story or my one shots, leave. There's many other authors that have stories out there if mine isn't for you, then don't read it. For those who have been respectful and are nice and actually give nice feedback, thank you. Seriously, thank you. I've tried to push it away for far too long now but it's getting annoying to the point where i don't feel like writing. But i WILL continue writing, idk if that's your goal to stop me from writing but i don't care. I'm not gonna 'leave' to take a break- fuck that. I'm staying, sorry about it. 
          - bqbydcll


Your stories have literally been keeping me going for real. There’s bad times and good times about writing but never let that stop you  


@bqbydcll  pop offff I don't get why people waste their time being negative like what's the reason? 


Facts lol anyway if you meed to talk just message me pretty much awake all the time now lol x


          I still don’t have power. It’s been 6 days and i don’t have electricity in my house. I am beyond infuriated but there’s nothing i can personally do i wish i could update soon but i can’t without any power of course. Just wanted to let the ones who care know that i am safe but still no power. (i’m starting to hallucinate and talk to myself at night ‍♀️)


Christ that’s not fun for you. Thinking of you. We’re here as soon as you get power. Xxx


          I don’t know how many of you live in the states but i got hit by hurricane Beryl. I currently have no power. I was going to update today but i’m not going to be able to sorry :( I doubt anyone lives where i live but if you do and we’re affected by it i hope you’re safe now 


@Julia_Gooner i am safe thank you ml <3