
  Hey all! 
          	If you aren't already, you should follow me on tiktok @hey_its_brookie I make a lot of videos about my story on there, especially 'Always:an MCUxHP crossover' if you're interested, I really hope you check it out and follow me on there, I try and follow everyone back that follows me. I also use that as a way for you guys to give me ideas of what you want to see/happen in any of my books. It gives me a good idea of what's you guys want to see and read about and it would help me a lot. I hope you are all having an amazing day and make sure to eat plenty and drink water ;)


  Hey all! 
          If you aren't already, you should follow me on tiktok @hey_its_brookie I make a lot of videos about my story on there, especially 'Always:an MCUxHP crossover' if you're interested, I really hope you check it out and follow me on there, I try and follow everyone back that follows me. I also use that as a way for you guys to give me ideas of what you want to see/happen in any of my books. It gives me a good idea of what's you guys want to see and read about and it would help me a lot. I hope you are all having an amazing day and make sure to eat plenty and drink water ;)


          I just made a tiktok account for my stories and stuff. I only have one video posted right now but I'd love if you could check it out please
          is the account. You should def check it out, I'll post about all my stories but I'd love to interact and get ideas from you there as well.
          Anyways, love youuuu


          I've added a few new stories, I hope you guys will check them out, I have one about Bucky Barnes, one of Kylo Ren, an original work by me, and one on Severus Snape(it's a MCU and HP crossover). I'd love it if you could check any of them out, and I'd love to get feedback on any of them so leave a comment in the story if you could please!!


Thank you for following me.  I like your Mandalorian story.


@DinDraga I'm glad you are enjoying it so far! I'm currently taking a short break due to senior prep work for graduation as well as just school in general. But I hope to publish again soon. And thank you for voting!! I really appreciate it.


Your book is amazing! It is so fun to read, while also suspenseful! I can't wait for you to post more!


@Ghostspider2012 Stop I literally love you!!!! I can't even with you right now you are to sweet<3 Thank you so much I'm so glad you are enjoying it so far!!!:)


OMG. I just read your new chapter, and it is amazing!!! You are such a talented writer!