
Listen to مناجاة  II  عبدالله العبداللطيف  :  اللهم إنا نسألك قلباً سليما by تلاوات خاشعة  ::  Tvquran22 on #SoundCloud


فرحتي وصرختي تكاد تُسمع الأصم


@ braa_askar  سوف نبقى هنا سوف يحلو النغم


@ braa_askar  يا نجوم السماء يا عبائق النسم   يا سحائب الرجا يا طيور الحرم   يا رعود الشتاء يا جميع الأنم    اشهدوا هذا المساء انني قلت القسم    سوف نبقى 


The Earth is a field upon which we travel 
          to reach our wishes
          and a journey in which we strive 
          in order to see the meaning of life
          and we continue upon this path
          of ambitions until death
          our whims encourage us (to move away) but
          we ask Allah for steadfastness 
          we over here on earth gather 
          for our death, reward and provisions
          as our lives are a plantation, the fruit of which we 
          will reap on the day of harvest
          and we will continue spending our breath
          in reaching our goal
          whilst our dream we wish for is gardens( Paradise) for us
          upon our return ( to the hereafter)
          our homes in the everlasting
          we build them through obedience's ( to Allah) and religion
          everything in the universe is going to come to an end
          except the lord of the universe
          we use our obedience 
          in the pleasure of The Lord, and we take help ( from him)
          so that we may attain the virtue
          in the Gardens of Eden ( paradise) effortlessly