
problem? dafuq with your pic??


Stop! Don't hate on her. So, she doesn't want people seeing her real pic? So what?!? That's the one thing I hate, when people hate on others. You don't even firetrucking know her. So shut it. God, I actually love this girl!(as a friend, I ain't no lesbo[no offense lesbos]) I just started out a little while ago, and she was the FIRST PERSON to comment on my story. Thank you for caring, xXdawnloxXx. BTW I mentioned you in my story and if you inbox me your name, I'll make you a character in one of my books. So yeah. BYE BEETCHES!


OMG! THANK YOU SO MUCH GURLY GURL!! i <3 you too! (no lezzy luv tho >.<) i really appreciate you sticking up for me and just a headz up....they do know me thats why they say dat stuff  but no worriez x33
            plus if any bitchasshoe makin fun of ma homegurl ama go all JEFF THE KILLER ON THAT SKANK! so dun worry about meh bru 
            and srsy?!?! one of your characters?! you FUKKING ROCK GURL!! i hate my real name but the name a mostly use is bree dawnlox 
            thanks for the support gurl luv u lotz